Executive Orders, Proclamations,
Issued by President Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921
#1857-3206* = Summary of Text
1913 - Wilson, Woodrow
Executive Orders
- 1857 - Regulate the carrying of arms in the
Canal Zone
- 1860 - Fixing the rate of interest on money
- * 1862 - Prescribes that plans for new federal buildings
in the District of Columbia which affect the appearance of the City, and cases where any
question of Art in the Federal Government is concerned, be submitted to the Commissioners
of Fine Arts for advice and comment.
1914- Wilson, Woodrow
Executive Orders
- 1880 - To prevent the corrupt influencing
of agents, employees, or servants in the Canal Zone
- 1884 - To Prevent Fire-hunting at Night,
and Hunting by Means of a Spring or Trap in the Canal Zone, and to Repeal the Executive
Order of September 8, 1909
- 1885 - To Establish a Permanent
Organization for the Operation and Government of the Panama Canal
- 1888 - Providing conditions of employment for the
Permanent Force for the Panama Canal
- 1903 - Certain described lands in Utah reserved for the Goshute and other
- 1926 - Relating to salaries of Consular
- 1944 - To create a committee to formally
and officially open the Panama Canal.
- 1959 - Establishing Smith Island
Reservation for the protection of native birds.
- 1988 - To require ocean-going vessels to be
fitted with wireless apparatus.
- 1995 - Military Reservation for National
Guard (July 23)
- 1997 - Amending the Civil Service Rules
providing for the appointment of aliens when no citizens are available.
- 1999 - Governing the inspection of returns
of corporations; joint stock companies, associations, or insurance companies.
- 2006 - Establishing a wireless telegraph
station in the Canal Zone for use of the Navy.
- 2011 - To enforce neutrality of wireless
- 2012 - For the relief, protection and
transportation home of Americans in Europe at the outbreak of the European war of 1914.
- 2013 - Establishing Board of Relief for
benefit of Americans stranded abroad during the European war, 1914.
- 2016 - Relating to the Customs Service and
providing for fines for dishonest manifests in the Canal Zone.
- 2017 - Giving the Treasury Department full
authority over all customs officers in the enforcement of the neutrality laws during
- 2018 - Relating to Postal Crimes in the
Canal Zone.
- 2019 - To require security for costs in
civil cases in the Canal Zone.
- 2020 - To Amend the Executive Order of
April 15, 1913, entitled:"Executive Order to Provide Maritime Quarantine Regulations
forthe Canal Zone and the Harbors of the Cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of
- 2021 - Amending the rules governing the
granting of passports
- 2022 - Temporarily abolishing fees for
passports and providing for certification of same.
- 2024 - For a lookout station at Twin
Sisters Administrative Site (Near Colorado National Forest), Colorado.
- 2029 - Transferring Deadmans Island to the
Health Service.
- 2031 - Designating customs collection
- 2039 - Admitting foreign-built ships to
American Registry.
- 2042 - Taking over high-power radio
stations for use of the Government.
- 2044 - Appointing experts for the War Risk
Insurance in Treasury Department.
- 2045 - Combining Manzano and Zuni National
Forests in Arizona and New Mexico.
- 2046 - Ranger station for Clear Creek
administrative site near Coconino National Forest, Arizona.
- 2047 - Setting aside public land for an Elk
- 2048 - To divide administrative site within
Oregon National Forest, Oregon.
- 2051 - To amend the Canal Zone law against
- 2052 - To amend the executive order of
March 20, 1914, relating to compensation to be paid to injured employees of the Panama
Canaland Panama Railroad Company.
- 2060 - Alaskan townsite withdrawal No. 4.
- 2067 - Gray's Lake Administrative site
(Near Caribou National Forest) Idaho.
1915- Wilson, Woodrow
Executive Orders
- 2138 - Military Reservation for National Guard.
- 2185 - Changing the name of Culbera Cut to
Galliard Cut.
- 2262 - Prescribing consular regulations for
maintaining the rights, and enforcing the duties of American sailors in foreign ports.
- 2268 - Establishing a United States sheep
experiment station.
- 2269 - Suspending operation of the act to
promote the welfare of American seaman and to forbid their arrest and imprisonment for
- 2285 - Requiring American citizens
traveling abroad to procure passports
1916- Wilson, Woodrow
Executive Orders
- 2341 - Relating to
cancellation and reissue of passports.
- 2345 - Increasing the strength of the
regular army.
- 2390 - Establishing sizes and proportions
of the American Flag and the President's Flag.
- 2413 - Waving citizenship requirements for
specified federal appointment.
- 2418 - Regulations for sale of the federal
and cliff additions to Seward Townsite, Alaska.
- 2456 - Philippines--Requiring Governor
General to report to Secretary of War.
- 2461 - Amending consular regulations 172.
- 2462 - Amending consular regulations 692.
- 2479 - Providing for the payment of
interest on deposit money orders issued in the Canal Zone.
1917- Wilson, Woodrow
Executive Orders
- 2515 - Creating an Inter-Departmental Board on
location of nitrate plants.
- 2526 - Relating to the exclusion of Chinese
from the Panama Canal Zone.
- 2533 - Naval radio stations for Alaska.
- 2537 - Naval radio stations for Alaska.
- 2569A- Establishing civil service in
first, second and third classes of post offices
- 2570 - Amending civil service regulations.
- 2572 - Temporarily suspending eight-hour
law provisions in Department of Agriculture.
- 2584 - Establishing defensive sea areas.
- 2585 - Taking over necessary and closing
unnecessary radio stations.
- 2587A- Federal employees removal on
security grounds.
- 2594 - Committee on Public Information.
- 2596 - Allowing Treasury Department
employees to be appointed on defense organizations.
- 2600 - Employees of Council of National
- 2602 - Cooperation among Civil Service
- 2604 - Censorship of submarine cables,
telegraph and telephone lines.
- 2605 - Suspending eight-hour law in
contracts under War Department.
- 2605A- Taking over necessary and closing
unnecessary radio stations.
- 2612 - Navajo Reservation.
- 2616 - Listing alien enemies for
International Red Cross.
- 2617 - Civil Service Commission authorized
to permit appointment of civilians.
- 2619 - Amending
consular regulations and forms.
- 2619A- Seizure of the German vessels
Odenwald and President at San Juan, P.R., by the Navy Secretary for use by the United
States Navy ordered.
- 2621 - German vessel Atlas ordered
transferred from the Treasury Dept. to commandant of the 12th Naval District for use in
harbor patrol work.
- 2624 - Seizure of German boats.
- 2625 - Seizure of German boats.
- 2626 - Reinstating certain persons formerly
in the competitive service.
- 2628 - Authorizing employment of foreign
- 2635 - Seizure of German boats.
- 2641 - Amending Alaskan Railroad townsite
- 2645 - Export Licenses - Exports Council.
- 2651 - Seizure of German boats.
- 2653 - Seizure of German boats.
- 2664 - Exercise of authority under the
Emergency Shipping Fund Act.
- 2670 - Lighthouse Service - Virgin Islands.
- 2673A- Explaining exemption of
indispensable government employees from the selective draft.
- * 2679A- U.S. Food
Administration created.
- 2681 - Authority to organize Food
Administration Grain Corporation.
- 2687 - Exercise of authority under the
"Naval Emergency Fund Act,"
- 2690 - Appointment of Fuel Administrator.
- 2691 - Rules for Government of Virgin
- 2692 - Establishing defensive sea areas for
terminal ports of the Panama Canal, and providing regulations for the government of
personsand vessels within said areas.
- 2694A- Authority to exercise powers
bestowed by sections 15 and 16 of the Food Control Act.
- 2696 - Suspending law admitting
foreign-built ships to American entry.
- 2697 - Regulations relating to the
exportation of coin, bullion,and currency.
- 2699 - Certain described lands in Utah reserved for the use of certain
Skull Valley Indians residing thereon and such other Indians asmay be settled thereon by
the Interior Secretary.
- 2705 - Suspending eight-hour day in Bureau
of Standards.
- 2708 - Creating divisions of pictures,
films and publications under committee on public information.
- 2709 - Seizure of German boats.
- 2717 - Assigning quarantine duties in
Virgin Islands to Treasury Department.
- 2718 - Suspending the
eight-hour day in construction of Immigrant Station at Baltimore, Md.
- 2720 - Giving chief of staff control over
War Department in absence of Secretary of War and Assistant Secretary of War.
- 2729a- Vesting power and authority in
designated officers and making rules and regulations under Trading with the Enemy Act and
Title VII of the act approved June 15, 1917
- 2730 - Free consular services
- 2734 - Suspending civil service rules in
training camp activities
- 2736 - Providing for requisitioning of
foods and feeds
- 2741 - Waving civil service regulations for
confidential positions under Trading with the Enemy Act
- 2744 - Fixing salary of, and vesting
certain power and authority in, the Alien Property Custodian appointed under Trading with
the Enemy Act
- 2748 - Seizure of German boats
- 2765 - Determination of a just, fair, and
reasonable profit under Section 5 of the Food Control Act
- 2770 - Vesting power and authority in
designated officers and making rules and regulations under Trading with the Enemy Act and
Title VII of the act approved June 15, 1917
- 2774A- Division created under Public
Information Committee
- 2777 - Rules for government of Virgin
Wilson's Message to Congress Asking for a Declaration of War
Against Germany
Trading With the Enemy Act (note: Still in Effect, and has
been cited by numerous successive presidents)
1918- Wilson, Woodrow
Executive Orders
- 2789 - Navajo Reservation
- 2796 - Executive order prescribing rules
and regulations under Section 5 of the Trading-With-The-Enemy Act and supplementing rules,
andregulations heretofore prescribed under Title 7 of the Espionage Act.
- 2809 - Certain described lands in Utah reserved for the use of certain
Skull Valley, and other Indians.
- 2859 - National Research Council of National Academy of
Wilson's "14 Points of Light Speech"
1919- Wilson, Woodrow
Executive Orders
- 3160 - Coast Guard reverted to Treasury Department.
- 3206 - Surveys and Maps of the Federal