Executive Order No. 2418
[Alaska.--Regulations for sale of the Federal and Cliff Additions to Seward Townsite, Alaska.]
Pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved March 12, 1914 (38 Stat., 305), it is hereby ordered that the disposition of the lots in the Federal and Cliff Additions to the townsite of Seward, Alaska, shall be in accordance with the regulations contained in Executive Order No. 2214, issued June 19, 1915, except as to terms of sale, restric- tions as to use of lots purchased, forfeiture for failure to comply with restrictions, and time as to issuance of entry and patent, which shall be as follows:
TERMS.--NO lot will be sold for less than $25.00, and no bid exceeding that amount will be accepted unless made in multiples of five dollars; the minimum of $25.00 on each lot sold for less than $50.00 must be paid in cash within the time hereinafter specified, and if the price bid is $50.00 or more, one-half of the bid price must be paid in cash within said specified time and the remainder within one year from the date of the register's certificate of sale, or the entire purchase price may be paid at the time of sale. The successful bidder will be given by the Superintendent of Sale a memorandum certificate for identification pur- poses, showing name and address of bidder, lot, and amount of bid, and the bidder must file it with the Superintendent of Sale before the close of the next succeeding sale day, or the next business day, if bid is accepted on last preceding sale day, together with his application to purchase the lot properly filled and signed and accompanied by the cash payment required by these regulations. The application should be, in substance, as follows:
"I,..............., post office address........................., having been declared the successful bidder for lot No. ......., Block No........, in the .................... Addition to the townsite of Seward, Alaska, as delineated and designated on the approved plat thereof, containing ....... square feet, do hereby apply to purchase said lot, subject to all the regulations governing the sale thereof, and agree to pay therefor the amount bid by me, viz: ......... dollars ($........), on the terms prescribed by said regula- tions, and upon failure to pay any installment on or before the day the same becomes due, all rights under this application, together with the payments there- tofore made, may be forfeited to the United States by the Secretary of the Interior."
THE WHITE HOUSE, July 11, 1916.
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