Executive Order No. 2042
[Taking Over High-Power Radio Station for Use of the Government.]
THE WHITE HOUSE, September 5, 1914.
Whereas an order has been issued by me, dated August 5, 1914, declaring that all radio stations within the jurisdiction of the United States of America were prohibited from transmitting or receiving for delivery messages of an unneutral nature and from in any way render- ing to any one of the belligerents any unneutral service; and
Whereas it is desirable to take precautions to insure the enforce- ment of said order insofar as it relates to the transmission of code and cipher messages by high-powered stations capable of trans-Atlantic communication;
Now, Therefore, it is ordered by virtue of authority vested in me by the radio Act of August 13, 1912, that one or more of the high- powered radio stations within the jurisdiction of the United States and capable of trans-Atlantic communication shall be taken over by the Government of the United States and used or controlled by it to the exclusion of any other control or use for the purpose of carrying on communication with land stations in Europe, including code and cipher messages.
The enforcement of this order and the preparation of regulations therefor is hereby delegated to the Secretary of the Navy, who is authorized and directed to take such action in the premises as to him may appear necessary.
This order shall take effect from and after this date.
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