Executive Order No. 2022
[Temporarily abolishing fees for passports and providing for certification of same.]
THE WHITE HOUSE, August 14, 1914.
It is hereby ordered that paragraphs 159 and i6o of the regulations
and instructions prescribed for the use of the consular service of the United States and the instructions to the diplomatic officers of the United States be amended to read as follows:
"159. Fees.--Until further notice, no fee shall be collected for the issuance of an emergency passport, nor for the execution of the application therefor. This has no reference to a regular passport issued by the Department upon an application made before a Diplomatic or Consular Officer."
"160. Visa.--A Diplomatic Officer or a Consular Officer, includ- ing a Consular Agent, may visa or verify regularly issued pass- ports by endorsing thereon the word "Good" in in the language of the country and affixing to the endorsement his official signature and seal. A Diplomatic Officer should visa a passport only when there is no American Consulate established in the city where the mission is situated, or when the Consular Officer is absent, or the Govern- ment of the country refuses to acknowledge the validity of the Consular Visa. Whenever a passport without signature is pre- sented to be visaed the holder should be required to sign it before it is visaed by a Diplomatic or Consular Officer. Until further notice, no fee shall be collected for the visaing of a passport. No visa shall be attached to a passport after its validity has expired."
Sections 8, 9 and 32 of the Tariff of United States Consular Fees shall be amended to read as follows:
"8. Issuing a passport--Form No. 9--for extending
a passport (Fee waived until further notice by Executive Order of August 14, 1914)......No fee."
"9. Visaing a passport--Form No. 10 (Fee waived
until further notice by Executive Order of
August 14, 1914).........................No fee.""32. Administering oath and preparing passport appli-
cation (Fee waived as to emergency passport
applications by Executive Order of August 14, 1914)....................................No fee."
This order shall have no effect as to fees collected by diplomatic or consular officers before they shall have actually received notice of its contents.
The Secretary of State may, when he sees fit, without further author- ization, terminate the waiver of fees hereby put into effect, and restore the tariff of fees to the condition existing prior to the amendments made herein.
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