Executive Order No. 2587-A
Federal employees removal on security grounds
In the exercise of the vested in the President by the Constitution and the resolution of Congress of April 5, 1917, the following order is issued.
The head of a department or independent office may forthwith remove any employee when he has ground for believing that the retention of such employee would be inimical to the public welfare by reason of his con- duct, sympathies or utterances, or because of other reasons growing out of the war. Such removal may be made without other formality than that the reasons shall be made a matter of confidential record, subject, however, to inspection by the Civil Service Commission.
This order is issued solely because of the present international situation, and will be withdrawn when the emergency is passed.
Woodrow Wilson
The White House
7 April, 1917.
United States Civil Service Commission,
Washington, D.C.
Confidential. April 10, 1917
The Honorable
The Attorney General
My dear Sir:
There is transmitted herewith a copy of an Executive order issued by the
President April 7, 1917, addressed to heads of Departments and independ- ent offices, authorizing each such head to remove forthwith any employee when he has ground for believing that the retention of such employee would be inimical to the public welfare by reason of his conduct, sympa- thies or utterances, or because of other reasons growing out of the war, the only formality required in such removal being that of making the reasons a matter of confidential record subject to inspection by the Civil Service Commission. You will note from its last clause that this order is issued solely because of the present international situation and will be withdrawn when the emergency has passed.
This order has not been promulgated, as is usual with Executive orders, because the Commission deems it confidential and also because it is as- sumed that you will prefer to act under this authority in accordance with its terms but without reference to the authority appearing in your action.
The Commission requests that in each case of removal under this order you advise it under confidential cover of the name of the person removed and of the fact that the removal is made under this order.
By direction of the Commission:
Very respectfully,
John A. MeIlhenny
April 12, 1917.
The Civil Service Commission,
Washington, D.C.
Permit me to acknowledge receipt of your confidential letter of the 10th instant, transmitting a copy of an Executive order issued by the President April 7, 1917, authorizing the heads of Departments and independent of- fices to remove forthwith any employee when he has ground for believing that the retention of such employee would be inimical to the public welfare by reason of his conduct, etc.
For the Attorney General
Assistant Attorney General.
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