Executive Order No. 2641
[Amending Alaskan Railroad Townsite Regulations.]
THE WHITE HOUSE, June 18, 1917.
WHEREAS certain forfeiture provisions of the Alaskan Railroad Town- site Regulations, hereinafter mentioned, have been found to impair the stability of land titles and, in consequence, the legitimate development of the communities affected, and if effectively enforced will impose hardships upon innocent persons, and
WHEREAS, by reason of the proper enforcement of the penal laws applicable to Alaska, such forfeiture provisions are deemed no longer necessary to accomplish their purpose,
THEREFORE, Executive Order number twenty-two hundred and four- teen, dated June nineteen, nineteen hundred and fifteen, as amended, providing for the sale and disposition of Alaskan railroad townsites pursuant to the Act of Congress approved March twelfth, nineteen hun- dred and fourteen (thirty-eighth Statutes at Large, page three hundred and five), is hereby further amended by eliminating therefrom all provisions for the forfeiture of lots as a penalty for using the same for the purpose of manufacturing, selling, or otherwise disposing, of intoxi- cating liquors as a beverage, or for gambling, prostitution, or other unlawful purpose, and no lot shall hereafter be forfeited for violation of any of said provisions.
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