Executive Order No. 2012
[For the relief, protection and transportation home of Americans in Europe at the outbreak of the European war of 1914.]
THE WHITE HOUSE, August 5, 1914.
To the end that there may be proper co-operation as between the Departments of State, Treasury, War and Navy in the accomplish- ment of the desired results in connection with the relief, protection and transportation of American citizens abroad made necessary by existing disturbed conditions in Europe, it is directed:
1. The heads of the Departments named will co-operate and co- ordinate their work to the extent possible under the general provisions of this order and in accordance with such further instructions as may be given.
2. The Secretary of the Navy will despatch such ships to such ports as may be determined upon for the purpose of carrying those detailed from the various Departments for relief work, together with supplies and money.
3. The Secretary of War will detail officers for the purpose of organizing and conducting the relief work among, and the transporta- tion of, the refugees. He will attend to the chartering of ships, ar- ranging for transportation, payment therefor by those able to pay, and the proper handling of the destitute, after obtaining all the infor- mation possible and availing himself of the services of each of the other Departments who can aid in these respects.
4. The Secretary of the Treasury will make arrangements for handling the funds, determining, after such consultation as may be necessary, how much shall be shipped abroad and how the sums which will be required to be expended by the other Departments shall be drawn against and accounted for. He will make arrangements for fiscal agencies at such points in England and on the Continent as may be practicable, and he will provide means for making available for American citizens in Europe and England moneys furnished by their friends, relatives, and banking and express companies in this country.
5. The Secretary of State will detail such diplomatic agents as may be necessary, including an adviser upon diplomatic procedure and law, to accompany the Assistant Secretary of War on the first ship- ment to sail for the other side. He will use all avenues of communi- cation available to gather and distribute all obtainable facts.
For the purpose of having a complete and unconfused record, all communications to the Navy ship to carry the Assistant Secretary of War and the Army officers will be sent to the Secretary of War, and by him sent to the Navy Department for transmission. This, of course, refers to the relief work, and not to orders to Naval officers, etc.
6. The heads of the Departments above referred to will keep in constant communication with each other and endeavor to agree upon and arrange every question which arises, advising with the President wherever necessary and securing his directions.
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