Executive Orders, Proclamations, Memoranda
Issued by President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt - 1901-1908
1901 - Roosevelt, Theodore
Executive Orders
- SEP23 - Black Mesa Forest Reserve, Colo., diminished,
and described lands restored to the public domain
- OCT15 - Ratings and pay per month for petty officers
and enlisted men
- OCT30 - Harbor Island, Alaska
- NOV9 - Provinces of Zambales and Bataan, in the Island
of Luzon, Philippine Islands placed under the governance and control of the Navy
- NOV11 - San Bernardino base and meridian, California,
reserved for lighthouse purposes
- NOV14 - Navajo Reservation
- NOV15 - San Nicolas Island, California, reserved for
lighthouse purposes
- NOV26 - Enlisted Navy men allowed additional monthly
pay for good conduct
- DEC3 - Enlisted Navy men holding petty officers
training certificates allowed additional pay
- DEC9 - Classification and monthly pay of Navy mess
attendants authorized
- DEC19 - Culebra Island placed under the jurisdiction
of the Navy Department
1902 - Roosevelt, Theodore
Executive Orders
- JAN31 - Employees are forbidden to solicit increase in
- FEB15 - Office of Surveyor-General transferred to
Tucson, Arizona
- MAR24 - Amending Counsular Regulations of 1896
- MAR26 - Fort Yuma Abandoned Military Reservation,
Arizona, reserved and set apart for the use of the Weather Bureau
- APR29 - Fort Yuma Abandoned Military Reservation,
Arizona, reserved and set apart for the Customs Service
- APR30 - Land in San Bernardino, California, reserved
for light-house purposes
- MAY12 - Excused from duty on Saturday, the 17th
instant, to attend the ceremonies incident to the reburial of the late Major-General W. S.
- MAY12b- Employees excused from duty to participate in
the ceremonies incident to the dedication of a statue erected to the memory of the Spanish
War dead at Arlington
- JUN13 - Willamette Washington, reserved and set apart
for the use of the Navy Department for the purpose of a target range
- JUN13b- Boundaries of the Wakeeney land district and
the Colby land district Kansas, re-established
- JUL3 - Appointments of all unclassified laborers
- JUL10 - Applications for discharge
- JUL19 - Issuance of passports
- JUL22 - Reserve public lands and buildings in the
Island of Puerto Rico
- JUL25 - Promote the efficiency of the Revenue Cutter
- AUG1 - Pay increase
- AUG9 - Land set apart in Nebraska for experimental tree
1903 - Roosevelt, Theodore
Executive Orders
- MAR26 - Regulations governing appointments
- MAR27 - Land office moved
- MAR28 - Land office moved
- MAY29 - Land office moved
- JUL3 - Transfer of Charles B. Terry
- JUL8 - Age removed from regulations governing employment
- JUL13 - Appoint to various positions
- JUL29 - Mrs. Annie M. West and Mrs. Sadie B. Yates may be
- JUL30 - Appoint Luther M. Walter to position of law clerk
- JUL31 - Moapa River or Paiute Indian Reservation, Nevada
- AUG9 - Mrs. Julia W. Wellborn may be appointed Clerk
- AUG17 - Allen Hazen, continued employment
- AUG20 - Dr. William A. White may be appointed
- SEP15 - Camp McDowell military reservation
- OCT9 - Clarence A. Cook may be appointed special agent
- OCT23 - Mrs. Lillian B. Kellogg may be reinstated
- NOV2 - Mrs. Roy L. Quackenbush, may be given permanent
- DEC4 - Mr. Francis L. Hawes, may be appointed a special
- DEC28 - Mrs. Frank L. Harrigan may be reinstated
1904 - Roosevelt, Theodore
Executive Orders
- JAN7 - Mrs. G. W. Shipman appointed clerk Office of the
First Assistant Postmaster-General
- JAN25 - Restore land tract to public domain (Sioux)
- FEB1 - Mrs. Kate L. Croggan may be reinstated
- FEB5 - Revoke employment of Cuba military government employ
- FEB20 - Modifies and amends order of January 25, 1904
- FEB25 - Mr. Francis Walker, may be appointed a special
- FEB27 - Mrs. Marie L. Baldwin, may be certified for
appointment as clerk
- MAR1 - civil service of the War Department in the
Philippines, will be treated as classified under the civil-service rules
- MAR4 - Mr. Merrit O. Chance transferred to superintendent
of post-office supplies
- MAR10 - Officials of government to refain from comments on
pending war between Russia and Japan
- MAR26 - Physicians employed in the Indian service
- MAY18 - Katherine C. Masterson may be reinstated
- MAY26 - Mr. I. B. Conklin may be appointed as special
laborer (clerk)
- JUN2 - Grand Forks land district, North Dakota, transferred
to Devils Lake
- JUN13 - Reinstatement in the classified service
- JUN17 - Mr. Samuel D. Amen to the position of
internal-revenue agent.
- JUN23 - Dr. William L. Ralph as curator of the section of
birds' eggs in the National Museum
- JUN24 - Clarence Reeder appointed secretary to the Director
of the Geological Survey
- NOV15 - Isthmian Canal Commission classified
- NOV29 - Employment by the Executive Department under
civil-service rules
- NOV29B- Substitute watchmen classified under the
civil-service rules
1905 - Roosevelt, Theodore
- MAR10 - Navajo Reservation
- MAY15 - Navajo Reservation
1907 - Roosevelt, Theodore
- NOV9 - Navajo Reservation
1908 - Roosevelt, Theodore
- JAN28 - Navajo Reservation
- DEC30 - Navajo Reservation