The White House,
December 30, 1908.
It is hereby ordered that the unallotted lands of townships seven- teen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one north, ranges five, six, seven, and eight west and townships twenty-two and twenty- three north ranges six, seven, and eight west of the New Mexico principal meridian, withdrawn from sale and settlement, and set apart for the use of the Indians as an addition to the Navajo Reser- vation by Executive orders dated November nine, nineteen hundred and seven, and January twenty-eight, nineteen hundred and eight, be, and the same are hereby restored to the public domain, except the following described lands embracing one hundred and ten un-approved allotments, namely: The southwest quarter of section twenty-three, township seventeen north, range five west; the south half of section thirty-five, township eighteen north, range five west; section twenty-three and the north half of section twenty-five, town- ship nineteen north, range five west; the west half of section five and the east half of section six, township twenty north, range six west, unsurveyed; the northwest quarter of section three, the northeast quarter of section four, the south half of section five, the northwest quarter of section eight, section seventeen, the north half of section nineteen, section twenty, and the southeast quarter of section thirty- one, township twenty-one north, range six west; the west half of section thirty-three, the south half of section thirty-four and the west half of section thirty-five, township twenty-two north, range six west; the north half of section three, section four, the west half and the southeast quarter of section seven, the southeast quarter of sec- tion eight, section nine, the west half of section sixteen, sections seven- teen and eighteen, the north half and the southeast quarter of section nineteen, section twenty, the west half of section twenty-one, the east half of section twenty-two, section twenty-three, the northwest quar- ter of section twenty-eight, the north half of section twenty-nine, and the northeast quarter of section thirty, township twenty north, range seven west; the west half of section six, the southeast quarter of section nineteen, the southwest quarter of section twenty, the north half and the southeast quarter of section twenty-four, the east half of section twenty-five, the southwest quarter of section twenty-six, the south half of section twenty-seven, the southeast quarter of sec- tion twenty-eight, the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine, the northeast quarter of section thirty, the east half of section thirty- three, section thirty-four, and the west half of section thirty-five, township twenty-one north, range seven west, and sections one and twelve, and the southeast quarter of section eleven, township twenty- one north, range eight west of the New Mexico principal meridian.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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