The North American Union--a merger of the USA, Canada and Mexico, is being implemented in a similar, gradual, even
stealth fashion to the
implementing of the European Union, as this chart shows. The independence
of each European nation has been nearly eliminated.
European Union Timeline
North American Union Timeline
Council of Europe: Created about 1947
European Coal and Steel Community: 1952
European Economic Community (EEC): 1958
Similar to NAFTA
Make laws in all countries the same (usually dumbed
down to most Socialist level, for example, to force all EU countries to legalize
abortion, etc.): Occurred over many years
EU Parliament: (since 1979 as elected body)
EU Anthem: 1985 (there really IS an EU anthem)
EU Flag: 1986

Common Foreign and Security Policy: 1992
Officially inaugurate the EU: 1993
Residents of any EU country allowed to move to
any other country without
visas or limits: 1995
Replace currencies with the Euro, surrender control
of economy: 1999
Eliminate all intra-Europe borders, customs, etc:
About 2000
EU VAT tax: 2003
"Made in EU" replaces actual country of origin:
Common since about 2003
mandatory soon?
Surrender of right of nations to veto EU decrees:
EU Pledge of Allegiance:
2008? (not a joke)
The anthem, flag & pledge all serve to help
eliminate national identity & traditions of freedom.
EU constitution: Signed 2004, but implementation
was delayed because voters in several countries rejected it. It would supersede all
national laws, leaders and constitutions, effectively abolishing the
independence of each nation. The almost identical Lisbon Treaty
is how the EU is accomplishing the same abolition of sovereignty
without any debate; and soon this treaty will be ratified in every EU
nation without any national referenda except in Ireland.
VICTORY: 6/08 Ireland rejected the Lisbon treaty! This may set back the
final surrender of sovereignty for years.
President of Europe: Planned for
(possibly dependant on approval of Lisbon Treaty)
EU income tax:
Redrawing of country boundaries--inventing new
regions & "Transnational Assemblies" to further abolish the concept
of nations, patriotism & national culture:
One "Regional" Map
National military forces surrendered to EU control:
National foreign policy surrendered to EU control:
EU merger with US/NAU:
Scheduled for 2015
Merge with "African Union," "Asian Union," etc. to
create total UN global control: ?
- Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act 1934
- Joint
Mexico-U.S. Defense Commission 1942
- Organization of American States (OAS)founded 1948
- Trade Act (Fast Track) 1974
- La Paz Agreement 1983
- Trade and Tariff Act 1984
- U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement: 1989
- Mexico-U.S. Income Tax Treaty: 1992
- NAFTA implemented: 1994

- Mexican sharing in U.S. Social Security system: Signed by Bush
in 2004, but not yet submitted to Congress for approval.
- Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP): 2005
- Make laws in all countries the same (dumbed
down to most Socialist/open-border level): Starting in or earlier
2005, as part
of SPP.
- NAFTA Superhighway & "inland ports," Eliminating border
searches of cargo: Under construction.
- Make all drivers licenses (with RFID chips) valid to cross
borders without visas or enforceable limits on residency: Soon
- Eliminate all intra-North American borders & customs: ?
Residents of any NAU country allowed to move to any
other without visas or limits. This will mean all Mexicans can move
by right to the U.S. and Canada: ?
"Made in North America" to replace "Made in USA":
Planned by NACC
- Replace the dollar with the Amero, surrender control of our
ecomomy: ?
Former Mexican President Vincente Fox said
the Amero will happen. Current dollar crises may be designed to
build support to scrap the dollar.
- Officially implement the NAU: ?
NAU master planner Robert Pastor claims a
national emergency may be needed to force this on Americans.
- Surrender of right of nations to veto NAU decrees: ?
- Redrawing of country boundaries--inventing new regions to
further abolish the concept of nations & national culture:
Possible concept?
- NAU taxation: ?
- NAU flag: ?
- NAU anthem: ?
- NAU Pledge of Allegiance: ?
Don't expect the nation-dissolvers will omit this
propaganda step which the EU has already implemented.
- NAU parliament: ?
- NAU constitution: ?
- President of North America: ?
- US military forces surrendered to NAU control: ?
- US foreign policy surrendered to NAU control: ?
- Merge with South & Central America: ?
- US/NAU merger with EU:
Scheduled for 2015
- Merge with "African Union," "Asian Union," etc. to create total
UN global control: ?
"The United States should apply to relations with hemispheric
neighbors many of the lessons of the European Union and its half-century of
economic and political integration. A functioning American Union that
pools sovereignty is a goal worth introducing now. A President Obama has to
be willing to sit down with the prime minister of Canada and the president of
Mexico without preconditions, such as demands for treaty renegotiations."
By Jim Hoagland, Washington Post, June 1, 2008. job loss from nafta
It's not just NAU, but merging the US with Europe:
Transatlantic Economic Council
Official website
SPP to
allow everyone to cross border without documents: (see page 11)

The web site of The Conservative Caucus specializes in providing
information to the public on key issues in the news as well as a wealth of lobbying tools,
links, and historic American documents.
Art Harman
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Conservative Caucus, Inc. All rights reserved.