China Rewarded on MFN Vote |
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On July 27, 1999, The U.S. House of Representatives refused to end
"Most Favored Nation" status (MFN) for Communist China in spite of spying,
threats, and very high Chinese taxes on many American goods.
Action Needed: Check your Congressman's vote below, and call (202-224-3121), write (Congressman
_______, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515), or e-mail to protest a vote for Red China (Voted NAY), or
thank him for voting against MFN (Voted YEA). Please call radio
talk shows or write a letter to the editor and let others know about this vote as
A Project of The Conservative Caucus
450 Maple Avenue East * Vienna, Va. 22180 * 703-938-9626
Related Pages: | Missile Tech Theft | Trade with Red China | Rep. Cox's web site | Read the Cox Committee Report | |
(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)
H J RES 57, sponsored
by: Rep Dana Rohrabacher
3:10 PM
QUESTION: On Passage
BILL TITLE: Disapprove Normal Trade
Relations with China
NOTE: A YEA Vote is to end MFN (Pro-US), and a NAY vote is to reward China by continuing
extremely low import taxes on Red-Chinese imports (Pro-China).
NAYS Pro-China |
PRES | NV | |
REPUBLICAN | 71 | 150 | 1 | |
DEMOCRATIC | 98 | 110 | 1 | 2 |
TOTALS | 170 | 260 | 1 | 3 |
Abercrombie | Gilman | Pickering |
Aderholt | Goode | Pombo |
Baldwin | Goodling | Rahall |
Ballenger | Graham | Riley |
Barcia | Gutierrez | Rivers |
Barr | Hall (OH) | Rogers |
Bartlett | Hastings (FL) | Rohrabacher |
Barton | Hayes | Ros-Lehtinen |
Bishop | Hayworth | Rothman |
Bonior | Hefley | Royce |
Bono | Hilleary | Sabo |
Borski | Hilliard | Sanchez |
Brady (PA) | Hinchey | Sanders |
Brown (FL) | Hobson | Sanford |
Brown (OH) | Horn | Scarborough |
Burr | Hostettler | Schaffer |
Burton | Hoyer | Schakowsky |
Capuano | Hunter | Scott |
Cardin | Hyde | Sensenbrenner |
Carson | Jackson (IL) | Sisisky |
Chambliss | Jones (NC) | Smith (NJ) |
Chenoweth | Jones (OH) | Smith (TX) |
Clay | Kaptur | Souder |
Clyburn | Kasich | Spence |
Coble | Kennedy | Spratt |
Coburn | Kildee | Stark |
Collins | Kilpatrick | Stearns |
Condit | King (NY) | Strickland |
Cook | Kingston | Stupak |
Costello | Klink | Sweeney |
Cox | Kucinich | Tancredo |
Coyne | Lantos | Taylor (MS) |
Cubin | Lee | Taylor (NC) |
Cummings | Lewis (GA) | Thompson (MS) |
Danner | Lipinski | Tiahrt |
Davis (IL) | LoBiondo | Tierney |
Deal | Markey | Traficant |
DeFazio | Martinez | Udall (CO) |
Delahunt | Mascara | Udall (NM) |
DeLauro | McIntyre | Velazquez |
Diaz-Balart | McKinney | Vento |
Dickey | Meek (FL) | Visclosky |
Doolittle | Meeks (NY) | Walsh |
Doyle | Menendez | Wamp |
Duncan | Miller, George | Waters |
Ehrlich | Mink | Watt (NC) |
Engel | Mollohan | Waxman |
Evans | Nadler | Weldon (FL) |
Everett | Ney | Wexler |
Forbes | Norwood | Weygand |
Fowler | Obey | Wise |
Frank (MA) | Olver | Wolf |
Gallegly | Owens | Woolsey |
Ganske | Pallone | Wu |
Gejdenson | Pascrell | Wynn |
Gephardt | Payne | Young (AK) |
Gibbons | Pelosi | . |
Ackerman | Goodlatte | Napolitano |
Allen | Gordon | Neal |
Andrews | Goss | Nethercutt |
Archer | Granger | Northup |
Armey | Green (TX) | Nussle |
Bachus | Green (WI) | Ortiz |
Baird | Greenwood | Ose |
Baker | Gutknecht | Oxley |
Baldacci | Hall (TX) | Packard |
Barrett (NE) | Hansen | Pastor |
Barrett (WI) | Hastert | Paul |
Bass | Hastings (WA) | Pease |
Bateman | Herger | Peterson (MN) |
Becerra | Hill (IN) | Petri |
Bentsen | Hill (MT) | Phelps |
Bereuter | Hinojosa | Pickett |
Berkley | Hoeffel | Pitts |
Berman | Hoekstra | Pomeroy |
Berry | Holden | Porter |
Biggert | Holt | Portman |
Bilbray | Hooley | Price (NC) |
Bilirakis | Houghton | Pryce (OH) |
Blagojevich | Hulshof | Quinn |
Bliley | Hutchinson | Radanovich |
Blumenauer | Inslee | Ramstad |
Blunt | Isakson | Rangel |
Boehlert | Istook | Regula |
Boehner | Jackson-Lee (TX) | Reyes |
Bonilla | Jefferson | Reynolds |
Boswell | Jenkins | Rodriguez |
Boucher | John | Roemer |
Boyd | Johnson (CT) | Rogan |
Brady (TX) | Johnson, E. B. | Roukema |
Bryant | Johnson, Sam | Roybal-Allard |
Buyer | Kanjorski | Rush |
Callahan | Kelly | Ryan (WI) |
Calvert | Kind (WI) | Ryun (KS) |
Camp | Kleczka | Salmon |
Campbell | Knollenberg | Sandlin |
Canady | Kolbe | Sawyer |
Cannon | Kuykendall | Saxton |
Capps | LaFalce | Serrano |
Castle | LaHood | Sessions |
Chabot | Lampson | Shadegg |
Clayton | Largent | Shaw |
Clement | Larson | Shays |
Combest | Latham | Sherman |
Conyers | LaTourette | Sherwood |
Cooksey | Lazio | Shimkus |
Cramer | Leach | Shows |
Crane | Levin | Shuster |
Crowley | Lewis (CA) | Simpson |
Cunningham | Lewis (KY) | Skeen |
Davis (FL) | Linder | Skelton |
Davis (VA) | Lofgren | Smith (MI) |
DeGette | Lowey | Smith (WA) |
DeLay | Lucas (KY) | Snyder |
DeMint | Lucas (OK) | Stabenow |
Deutsch | Luther | Stenholm |
Dicks | Maloney (CT) | Stump |
Dingell | Maloney (NY) | Sununu |
Dixon | Manzullo | Talent |
Doggett | Matsui | Tanner |
Dooley | McCarthy (MO) | Tauscher |
Dreier | McCarthy (NY) | Tauzin |
Dunn | McCollum | Terry |
Edwards | McCrery | Thomas |
Ehlers | McGovern | Thompson (CA) |
Emerson | McHugh | Thornberry |
English | McInnis | Thune |
Eshoo | McIntosh | Thurman |
Etheridge | McKeon | Toomey |
Ewing | McNulty | Towns |
Farr | Meehan | Turner |
Fattah | Metcalf | Upton |
Filner | Mica | Vitter |
Fletcher | Millender-McDonald | Walden |
Foley | Miller (FL) | Watkins |
Ford | Miller, Gary | Watts (OK) |
Fossella | Minge | Weiner |
Franks (NJ) | Moakley | Weldon (PA) |
Frelinghuysen | Moore | Weller |
Frost | Moran (KS) | Whitfield |
Gekas | Moran (VA) | Wicker |
Gilchrest | Morella | Wilson |
Gillmor | Murtha | Young (FL) |
Gonzalez | Myrick | . |
Slaughter |
McDermott | Oberstar | Peterson (PA) |
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