Executive Order 9001 Establishing Methods for Wartime Procurement.
December 27, 1941
The successful prosecution of the war requires an all-out industrial mobilization of the United States in order that the materials necessary to win the war may be produced in the shortest possible time. To accomplish this objective it is necessary that the Departments of War and the Navy and the United States Maritime Commission cooperate to the fullest possible degree with the Office of Production Management in the endeavor to make available for the production of war material all the industrial resources of the country. It is expected that in the exercise of the powers hereinafter granted, these agencies and the Office of Production Management will work together to bring about the conversion of manufacturing industries to war production, including the surveying of the war potential of industries, plant by plant; the spreading of war orders; the conversion of facilities; the assurance of efficient and speedy production; the development and use of subcontracting to the fullest extent; and the conservation of strategic materials.
Act to expedite the prosecution of the War effort," approved December 18, 1941 (hereinafter called "the Act"), and as President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and deeming that such action will facilitate the prosecution of the war, I do hereby order that the War Department, the Navy Department, and the United States Maritime Commission be and they hereby respectively are authorized within the limits of the amounts appropriated therefor to enter into contracts and into amendments or modifications of contracts heretofore or hereafter made, and to make advance, progress, and other payments thereon, without regard to the provisions of law relating to the making, performance, amendment, or modification of contracts. The authority herein conferred may be exercised by the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, or the United States Maritime Commission respectively or in their discretion and by their direction respectively may also be exercised through any other officer or officers or civilian officials of the War or the Navy Departments or the United States Maritime Commission. The Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, or the United States Maritime Commission may confer upon any officer or officers of their respective departments, or civilian officials thereof, the power to make further delegations of such powers within the War and the Navy Departments, and the United States Maritime Commission.
(whether in the form of letters of intent, purchase orders, or otherwise) for all types and kinds of things and services necessary, appropriate, or convenient for the prosecution of war, or for the invention, development, or production of, or research concerning any such things, including but not limited to, 'aircraft, buildings, vessels, arms, armament, equipment, or supplies of any kind, or any portion thereof, including plans, spare parts and equipment therefor, materials, supplies, facilities, utilities, machinery, machine tools, and any other equipment, without any restriction of any kind, either as to type, character, location, or form.
Commission may by agreement modify or amend or settle claims under contracts heretofore or hereafter made, may make advance, progress, and other payments upon such contracts of any per centum of the contract price, and may enter into agreements with contractors and/or obligors, modifying or releasing accrued obligations of any sort, including accrued liquidated damages or liability under surety or other bonds, whenever, in the judgment of the War Department, the Navy Department, or the United States Maritime Commission respectively, the prosecution of the war is thereby facilitated. Amendments and modifications of contracts may be with or without consideration and may be utilized to accomplish the same things as any original contract could have accomplished hereunder, irrespective of the time or circumstances of the making of or the form of the contract amended or modified, or of the amending or modifying contract, and irrespective of rights which may have accrued under the contract, or the amendments or modifications thereof.
Pursuant to Title II of the Act and for the protection of the interests of the United States, I do hereby prescribe the following regulations for the exercise of the authority- herein conferred upon the War Department, the Navy Department, and the United States Maritime Commission.
"The contractor warrants that he has not employed any person to solicit or secure this contract upon any agreement for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. Breach of this warranty shall give the Government the right to annul the contract, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the contract price or consideration the amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fees. This warranty shall not apply to commissions payable by contractors upon contracts or sales secured or made through bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the contractor for the purpose of securing business."
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