Economic Defense Board Established by EO 8839 of July 30, 1941. Renamed
Board of Economic Warfare by EO 8982 of Dec. 17, 1941. Board terminated by
EO 9361 of July 15, 1943, and Office of Economic Warfare established in
Office for Emergency Management. Off ice of Economic Warfare consolidated
with Foreign Economic Administration by EO 9380 of Sept. 25, 1943.
Executive Order 8839 Establishing the Economic Defense Board.
July 30, 1941
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the
United States, by virtue of the existence of an unlimited national emergency,
and for the purpose of developing and coordinating policies, plans, and programs
designed to protect and strengthen the international economic relations of the
United States in the interest of national defense, it is hereby ordered as
1. The term "economic defense," whenever used in this Order, means the conduct, in the
interest of national defense, of international economic activities including those
relating to exports, imports, the acquisition and disposition of materials and commodities
from foreign countries including preclusive buying, transactions in foreign exchange and
foreign-owned or foreign-controlled property, international investments and extensions of
credit, shipping and transportation of goods among countries, the international aspects of
patents, international communications pertaining to commerce, and other foreign economic
2. There is hereby established an Economic Defense Board (hereinafter referred to as
the "Board"). The Board shall consist of the Vice President of the United
States, who shall serve as Chairman, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of
the Treasury, the Secretary of War, the Attorney General, the Secretary of the
Navy, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Commerce. The Chairman
may, with the approval of the President, appoint additional members to the
Board. Each member of the Board, other than the Chairman, may designate an
alternate from among the officials of his Department, subject to the continuing
approval of the Chairman, and such alternate may act for such member in all
matters relating to the Board.
3. In furtherance of such policies and objectives as the President may from time to
time determine, the Board shall perform the following functions and duties:
Advise the President as to economic defense measures to be taken or functions
to be performed which are essential to the effective defense of the Nation.
Coordinate the policies and actions of the several departments and agencies
carrying on activities relating to economic defense in order to assure unity and
balance in the application of such measures.
Develop integrated economic defense plans and programs for coordinated action
by the departments and agencies concerned and use all appropriate means to
assure that such plans and programs are carried into effect by such departments
and agencies.
Make investigations and advise the President on the relationship of economic
defense (as defined in paragraph 1) measures to postwar economic reconstruction
and on the steps to be taken to protect the trade position of the United States
and to expedite the establishment of sound, peacetime international economic
Review proposed or existing legislation relating to or affecting economic
defense and, with the approval of the President, recommend such additional
legislation as may be necessary or desirable.
4. The administration of the various activities relating to economic defense shall
remain with the several departments and agencies now charged with such duties but such
administration shall conform to the policies formulated or approved by the Board.
5. In the study of problems and in the formulation of programs, it shall be the policy
of the Board to collaborate with existing departments and agencies which perform functions
and activities pertaining to economic defense and to utilize their services and facilities
to the maximum. Such departments and agencies shall cooperate with the Board in clearing
proposed policies and measures involving economic defense considerations and shall supply
such information and data as the Board may require in performing its functions. The Board
may arrange for the establishment of committees or groups of advisers, representing two or
more departments and agencies as the case may require, to study and develop economic
defense plans and programs in respect to particular commodities or services, geographical
areas, types of measures that might be exercised, and other related matters.
6. To facilitate unity of action and the maximum use of existing services and
facilities, each of the following departments and agencies, in addition to the departments
and agencies represented on the Board, shall designate a responsible officer or officers,
subject to the approval of the Chairman, to represent the department or agency in its
continuing relationships with the Board: The Departments of the Post Office, the Interior,
and Labor, the Federal Loan Agency, the United States Maritime Commission, the United
States Tariff Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the National Resources
Planning Board, the Defense Communications Board, the Office of Production Management, the
Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply, the Office for Coordination of
Commercial and Cultural Relations Between the American Republics, the Permanent Joint
Board on Defense, the Administrator of Export Control, the Division of Defense Aid Reports,
the Coordinator of Information, and such additional departments and agencies as the
Chairman may from time to time determine. The Chairman shall provide for the systematic
conduct of business with the foregoing departments and agencies.
7. The Chairman is authorized to make all necessary arrangements, with the advice and
assistance of the Board, for discharging and performing the responsibilities and duties
required to carry out the functions and authorities set forth in this Order, and to make
final decisions when necessary to expedite the work of the Board. He is further authorized,
within the limits of such funds as may be allocated to the Board by the President, to
employ necessary personnel and make provision for the necessary supplies, facilities, and
services. The Chairman may, with the approval of the President, appoint an executive
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