Executive Order No. 7126, August 5, 1935
Submission of Estimates to the Bureau of the Budget of
Expenditures for Administrative Expenses in Certain Cases
(Note: Text incomplete)
BY VIRTUE of and pursuant to the authority vested in me as
President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:
1. The Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the Home Owners
Loan Corporation, the Federal Savings and Loan System, the
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, The Federal
Housing Administration, the Farm Credit Administration, and
the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, which have available
for expenditure funds estimates for expenditure of which are
not required under the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, to
be submitted to the Bureau of the Budget, are requested to
submit to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, as such times
and in such manner as he shall prescribe, estimates of amounts
to be expended for each fiscal year from such funds for administrative
expenses. The aforesaid agencies and instrumentalities
are requested not to incur, from and after September 15, 1935,
any obligation for administrative expenses out of any such funds
unless estimates for such expenditures shall have been approved
by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget. . . .
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