Executive Order No. 7120, July 30, 1935
Reorganization of Consumers' Agencies
(Note: Text incomplete)
BY VIRTUE of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, approved April 8, 1935 (Public Resolution No. 11, 74th Congress), and by Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act (48 Stat. 195) as amended by Senate Joint Resolution No. 113, approved June 14, 1935 (Public Resolution No. 26, 74th Congress), it is ordered as follows:
SECTION 1. The office of Adviser on Consumers' Problems is hereby re-created, and the Adviser shall be a member of the National Emergency Council. Walton H. Hamilton is hereby appointed Adviser on Consumers' Problems.
SECTION 2. A Consumers' Division is hereby established within the National Recovery Administration, the function and purpose of which Division shall be to stimulate interest in the problems of the consumer, to review public policy in so far as it relates to the consumer, and in general to suggest ways and means to promote larger and more economical production of useful goods and facilitate the maintenance and betterment of the American standard of living. The Director of the Consumers' Division shall further define objectives, plan a program of activities including research and the dissemination of information, choose a technical and administrative staff, and subject to the approval of the Administrator of the National Recovery Administration, supervise the activities of the Division. Walton H. Hamilton is hereby appointed Director of the Consumers' Division of the National Recovery Administration.
SECTION 3. The functions heretofore performed by the Consumers'
Advisory Board of the National Recovery Administration,
the Consumers' Division of the National Emergency Council,
and the Cabinet Committee on Price Policy are hereby transferred
to the Consumers' Division of the National Recovery
Administration. The supervision of the work of the Consumers'
County Councils is hereby transferred from the Consumers'
Division of the National Emergency Council to the Consumers'
Division of the National Recovery Administration. All records
of the said organizations are hereby transferred to the
Consumers' Division of the National Recovery Administration. . .
SECTION 6. All orders and regulations heretofore issued concerning the administration of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act are hereby modified to the extent necessary to make this order fully effective.
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