Executive Orders Executive Orders form the White House

Executive Orders, Presidential Documents, White House

Executive Order No. 7074, June 15, 1935

The National Labor Relations Board is Reestablished
(Note: Text incomplete)

BY VIRTUE of and pursuant to the authority vested in me under Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act (48 Stat. 195), as amended and continued by Senate Joint Resolution No. 113, approved June 14, 1935, and in order to effectuate the policy of said Title, it is hereby ordered:
1. The National Labor Relations Board created under Executive Order No. 6763 of June 29, 1934, is hereby reestablished and continued in existence until July 1, 1935, with its existing personnel and employees at their present grade and salaries. 2. The said National Labor Relations Board shall exercise the powers and functions and be charged with the duties prescribed in Executive Order No. 6763 of June 29, 1934, in so far as such powers, functions, and duties are authorized under the National Industrial Recovery Act as amended and continued by the said Senate Joint Resolution No. 113....

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