WHEREAS, Section 9 of the Act of Congress entitled "An
Act to Establish a Veterans' Bureau and to improve the facilities and service of such Bureau, and further to amend and modify the War Risk Insurance Act", approved August 9, 1921, provides that -
"Section 9. The director, subject to the general
directions of the President, shall be responsible for the proper examination, medical care, treatment, hospitalization, dispensary, and convalescent care, necessary and reasonable after care wel- fare of, nursing, vocational training, and such other services as may be necessary in the carrying out of the provisions of this Act, and for that purpose is hereby authorized to utilize the now exist- ing or future facilities of the United States Public Health Service, the War Department, the Navy Department, the Interior Department, the National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, and such other governmental facilities as may be made available for the purposes set forth in this Act; and such governmental agencies are hereby authorized and directed to furnish such facilities, including per- sonnel, equipment, medical, surgical, and hospital services and supplies as the direct or may deem necessary and advisable in carry- ing out the provisions of this Act, in addition to such governmental facilities as are hereby made available. ******"
AND WHEREAS said Section 9 further provide that :
"In the event that there is not sufficient Government Hospi-
tal and other facilities for the proper medical care and treatment of beneficiaries under this Act, and the director deems it necessary and advisable to secure additional Government facilities, he may, with- in the limits of appropriations made for carrying out the provisions of this paragraph, and with the approval of the President, improve or extend existing governmental facilities or acquire additional facilities by purchase or otherwise. Such new property and structures as may be so improved, extended, or acquired shall become part of the per- manent equipment of the Veterans' Bureau or of some one of the now existing agencies of the Government, including the War Department, Navy Department, Interior Department, Treasury Department, the National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, in such a way as will best serve the present emergency, taking into consideration the future services to be rendered the veterans of the World War, including the beneficiaries under this Act."
NOW, THEREFORE, By virtue of the authority vested in me
by said law, I direct that the following specifically described hospitals now under the supervision of the United States Public Health Service and operated for hospital or sanatoria or other uses for sick and disabled former soldiers, sailors and marines, and hereby transferred to the United States Veterans' Bureau and shall on and after the effective date hereof operate under the supervision, management and control of the Director of the United States Veterans' Bureau:
No. 13 Southern Infirmary Annex, Mobile, Alabama No. 14 Annex to New Orleans Marine Hospital, Algiers, La. No. 24 Palo Alto, California
No. 25 Houston, Texas
No. 26 Greenville, South Carolina No. 27 Alexandria, Louisiana
No. 28 Dansville, New York
No. 29 Norfolk, Virginia (Sewall's Point) No. 30 Chicago, Illinois (4649 Drexel Boulevard) No. 30 Chicago, Illinois (Annex-7535 Stoney Island Avenue) No. 31 Corpus Christi, Texas
No. 32 Washington, D. C. (2650 Wisconsin Avenue) No. 33 Jacksonville, Florida
No. 34 East Norfolk, Massachusetts No. 35 St. Louis, Missouri (5900 Arsenal) No. 36 Boston, Massachusetts (Parker Hill) No. 37 Waukesha, Wisconsin
No. 38 New York, New York (345 West 50th Street) No. 39 Hoboken, Pennsylvania
No. 40 Cape May, New Jersey
No. 41 New Haven, Connecticut No. 42 Perryville, Maryland
No. 44 West Roxbury, Massachusetts No. 45 Biltmore, North Carolina No. 46 Deming, New Mexico
No. 47 Markleton, Pennsylvania No. 48 Atlanta, Georgia
No. 49 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Gray's Ferry Road & 24th St.) No. 50 Whipple Barracks, Arizona No. 51 Tucson, Arizona
No. 52 Boise, Idaho
No. 53 Dwight, Illinois
No. 54 Arrowhead, Springs, California No. 55 Fort Bayard, New Mexico No. 56 Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland No. 57 Knoxville, Iowa
No. 58 New Orleans, Louisiana (439 Flood St) No. 59 Tacoma, Washington
No. 60 Oteen, North Carolina
No. 61 Fox Hills, Staten Island, New York No. 62 Agusta, Georgia
No. 63 Lake City, Florida
No. 64 Camp Kearney, California No. 65 St. Paul, Minnesota (Dayton & Virginia Avenue) No. 67 Kansas City, Missouri (11th and Harrison Streets) No. 68 Minneapolis, Minnesota (914 Elliott Avenue) No. 69 Newport, Kentucky
No. 71 Sterling Junction, Massachusetts No. 72 Helena, Montana (Fort William Henry Harrison) No. 73 Chicago, Illinois (Annex to U.S.Veterans' Hospital #30) No. 74 Gulfport, Mississippi
No. 75 Colfax, Iowa
No. 76 Edward Hines, Jr. Hospital (Maywood Illinois) No. 77 Portland, Oregon.
No. 78 North Little Rock, Arkansas (Fort Logan H. Roots) No. 79 Dawson Springs, Kentucky No. 80 Fort Lyon, Colorado, andThe Purveying Depot at Perryville, Marlyand.
I hereby direct that the following hospitals now under con-
struction by the Treasury Department or projected under existing law shall, when and as each is completed, be transferred to the United States Veterans' Bureau, and shall on and after the respective dates of such transfer be operated under the supervision, management and control of the Director of the United States Veterans' Bureau :
Fort McKenzie, Sheridan, Wyoming Fort Walla Walla, Walla Walla, Washington Excelsior Springs, Excelsior Springs, Missouri Catholic Orphan Asylum, (Bronx) New York Central New England Sanitorium, Rutland, Massachusetts Hospital at Tuskegee, Alabama Hospital in Western Pennsylvania Hospital on Jefferson Barracks Reservation, St. Louis Missouri Hospital in Metropolitan District, New York.
All facilities, property and equipment now in the possession
of the United States Public Health Service in the hospitals above mentioned and all supplies in said hospitals and in the purveying depots at Perryville and North Chicago purchased from funds allotted to said Service by the Director of the United States Veterans' Bureau are hereby transferred to the United States Veterans' Bureau.
It is hereby directed that the Surgeon General of the United
States Public Health Service, the Director of the United States Veterans' Bureau and the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, shall each designate a representative to form a board, which Board shall allocate to the United States Veterans' Bureau and to the United States Public Health Service, with due regard to their respective present and future needs, all supplies transferred to the United States Public Health Service by the War Department, Navy Department or other governmental agencies, in accordance with law, and said Board shall also allocate to the United States Veterans' Bureau and to the United States Public Health Service the buildings and facilities at the Purveying Depot at North Chicago, Illinois, according to their respective needs.
All leases, contracts and other obligations and instru-
mentalities of the United States Public Health Service in the District of Columbia or elsewhere and all records, files, documents, correspondence and other papers relating to the service rendered by the United States Public Health Service in the operation of the hos- pitals and purveying depots hereby transferred or relating to the medical examination, assignment to hospitals, and treatment of persons who are now or who have been patients and beneficiaries of the United States Veterans' Bureau are hereby transferred to the United States Veterans' Bureau as of the effective date of this order
The Secretary of the Treasury, with due regard to the
needs of the United States Public Health Service, shall authorize and direct the Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service to detail to the United States Veterans' Bureau for duty until released by the Director of the Bureau, the commissioned personnel now on duty at the hospitals and purveying depots above mentioned and such other commissioned personnel as may be required for the operation of the Veterans' Hospitals and purveying depots provided that the regular commissioned officers of the United States Public health Service shall be subject to recall in the discretion of the Surgeon General of that Service. Such other personnel of the United States Public Health Service as are now paid from funds allotted by the Director of the United States Veterans' Bureau shall, subject to the approval of the Director of the Bureau, be transferred and given appointment in the United States Veterans' Bureau in the manner prescribed by Civil Service laws and regulations.
So that the transfer herein directed may be made with
minimum inconvenience this order shall be construed to allow administrative adjustments hereunder to be made effective May 1, 1992.
This order shall not be construed as in any way limiting
or curtailing the authority conferred by existing law whereby the Director of the United States Veterans' Bureau may utilize the now existing or future facilities of the United States Public Health Service, the War Department, the Navy Department, the Interior Department, the National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, or such other governmental facilities as may be made available for the use of the United States Veterans' Bureau.
Warren G. Harding
The White House
April 29, 1922
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