Executive Order No. 2515
The White House, January 15, 1917.
[Creating an Inter-Departmental Board on Location of Nitrate Plants.]
An Inter-Departmental Board, consisting of the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Secretary of Agriculture, is hereby organized for the purpose of making the necessary investigations and submitting recommendations relative to the selection of a site or sites suitable for a plant or plants authorized by section one hundred and twenty-four of the act approved June 3, 1916, to be constructed and operated for the production of nitrates and other products needed for munitions of war and useful in the manufacture of fertilizers and other useful products.
This board will consider, through actual examination thereof or otherwise and with such expedition as may be possible, the suitability of water power sites in different parts of the United States for the pur- poses prescribed by the statute, and will recommend a site or sites for the plant or plants which in its judgment should be established.
This board will have power to direct other representatives of their own or other Departments of the Government to appear before it to give information, aid or advice, and to employ such clerical assistance as may be necessary.
A complete record and minutes of the proceedings of this board will be kept, and a full report of the board, with the record of its proceedings and its recommendations, will be submitted to the President.
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