Petition to President George W.
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I urge you and all other freedom-loving Americans who accept the TEN COMMANDMENTS as the foundation of our moral law and who want to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States to immediately: Sign the PETITION TO This may be the most important action you take all year to influence public policy, defend the TEN COMMANDMENTS, and uphold our U.S. Constitution. That’s because, by acting today, you will be helping TCC promote the nomination of America’s leading judicial defender of the TEN COMMANDMENTS and the U.S. Constitution to be a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Judge ROY MOORE is the courageous, God-fearing man of whom I speak. A graduate of West Point, a decorated Vietnam vet, a knowledgeable student of the Constitution, a dedicated family man, a devout Christian, he was elected (by an overwhelming popular majority) to be the CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA. ROY MOORE has won national recognition for his courageous defense of the TEN COMMANDMENTS – – – in the face of career-threatening opposition, and a potential judicial citation for contempt of court. America and the world have been focused primarily on events in Iraq. But there is another drama about to take place in Washington, D.C., one which will influence America’s future for generations to come. I’m talking about the confirmation battle when the next vacancies open up on the U.S. Supreme Court. Potential retirements (which could come at any time) include those of Chief Justice William Rehnquist (a Nixon appointee - age 79), Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (a Reagan appointee - age 73), and Justice John Paul Stevens (a Ford appointee - age 83). How these imminent Supreme Court vacancies will be filled should be a matter of urgent concern to every American who wants to preserve and restore the legacy of America’s Founding Fathers. We can’t assume that President Bush will choose a nominee of whom you and I would approve. He has many pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, pro-quota advisers, who are already working to steer the President’s thinking in their direction. Remember, it was Republican President Dwight Eisenhower who nominated the ultra-liberal Earl Warren to be Chief Justice. Ike also appointed William J. Brennan, one of the most left-wing Supreme Court Justices in U.S. history. GOP President Gerald Ford appointed ultra-liberal John Paul Stevens. It was Republican President Richard Nixon who nominated Harry A. Blackmun, the author of Roe v. Wade and other unconstitutional opinions. In fact, five of the Supreme Court Justices who voted for the outrageous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision were appointed by Republican Presidents. The first President Bush gave us a split decision: Clarence Thomas – – – the best member of the Supreme Court – – – and David Souter, one of the very worst Justices, from the perspective of Constitutional integrity and recognition of the TEN COMMANDMENTS as the very foundation of our legal system. George W. Bush could go either way. What you think – – – and more important, what you tell him you think, could be an important factor in his decision about whom to appoint. Because of bad choices made previously by both Democrat and Republican Presidents, we have vowed to never again wait and simply "hope" that President Bush will nominate a man who supports the Constitutional intentions of the Founding Fathers. That’s why I hope you will join me on TCC’s Judge ROY MOORE for U.S. Supreme Court Committee.
Judge MOORE was thrust into the national spotlight in 1997 when he held his ground against a court order demanding that he remove a tablet of the TEN COMMANDMENTS, which he had carved by hand and hung on the wall alongside his court bench in Etowah County, Alabama. Now Judge MOORE is facing further judicial harassment following his placement of a TEN COMMANDMENTS monument in the lobby of the Alabama Supreme Court building. But he will not cave in to pressure from those who brazenly reject the TEN COMMANDMENTS as the moral foundation of our legal system. Your PETITION TO THE PRESIDENT will let him know how much enthusiasm there is in support of placing the TEN COMMANDMENTS judge – – – ROY MOORE – – – on the Supreme Court of the United States. We have no time to lose. That’s why, in addition to your Petitions – – –
We can’t do it without you, but, with God’s blessing and your help, we can achieve an historic victory for religious liberty and Godly faith.
The Conservative Caucus
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